
Upon applying to Loyola you’ll be automatically considered for academic merit scholarships. 我们99%的学生都能获得某种形式的经济援助!

即将入学的新生应申请入学洛约拉通过 2月15日 充分考虑学业成绩和选择性奖学金.



当你申请洛约拉大学时, 你将自动获得基于成绩的学术奖学金, 18美元起,000 to $27,000元/年. 这些奖项可在四年或八个学期内续期. Historically, admitted students who qualified for a merit scholarship applied at least a 3.平均绩点0分,成绩4分.0规模. 奖学金不需要额外申请, but t在这里 is a separate application required for the Social Justice Scholarship and Ensemble Award within the student's admissions portal. 

所有的学生 申请经济资助的日期 提交FAFSA. This will allow you to be considered for Loyola grants as well as federal need-based aid. 洛约拉的FAFSA代码是002016.


Merit 奖学金 range from $18,000 to $27,000 for qualified international applicants. 一般来说,学生必须至少达到3分.累积绩点为0才有资格. 国际申请者没有资格获得联邦助学金.

洛约拉大学向国际学生提供数量有限的助学金. 如需考虑,请填写 在此找到应用程序. 学生可透过他们的 应用门户,或直接电邮至 international@wolaipei.com.


Students admitted to the University’s Honors Program will be awarded the 荣誉奖学金 valued at $5,每年5万英镑,可续借四年.  The mission of the 大学荣誉课程 (UHP) at Loyola 新奥尔良 is to provide an enriching academic environment that fosters a strong sense of community and challenges our students to utilize their gifts to become men and women for and with others.  

申请和被考虑的截止日期是 1月15日. 有关荣誉课程申请流程的更多信息,请点击 在这里.


The Social Justice Scholarship is a financial award and student program that provides a way for Loyola students to live out the Jesuit tradition of academic excellence and the pursuit of social justice. 由社会学系管理, 该项目将学术学习与社会行动相结合. Eligible students are first required to major or minor in Sociology and engage in 45 hours of community service per semester while keeping at least a 2.75年平均绩点. 每个月, 学者们将聚在一起吃饭, discuss their service work and share their responses to a common reading that addresses issues of inequality and justice. This shared experience will develop an intellectual foundation that helps Scholars learn to critically analyze social problems and solutions. This scholarship is only available for incoming first-year students and is renewed throughout the student's four years at Loyola. 你还必须提交一份单独的奖学金申请.

欲了解更多有关 applying to this program, please contact the Office of 招生 at admit@wolaipei.com.


Students who are interested in applying to the 音乐与传媒学院 should indicate their preferred academic major on their Loyola application. Auditions, interviews or portfolio submissions are a requirement to major in this college. 在成功完成这些要求后, 学生将被评估他们的学术和艺术成就, 如果符合条件, 会在收到录取通知书的同时获得一份奖学金吗. 

欲了解更多有关 申请这所大学,请与您的 招生顾问 了解更多信息. 


The Ensemble Award is a scholarship opportunity for non-music majors to participate in our classical or jazz ensembles. 学生可获得3美元的奖励,000 scholarship which is renewable for four years as long as the student commits to one major ensemble per semester. 才能获得最佳演员奖的提名, 请在3月1日前报名参加校内试镜或提交视频试镜, 2024. 


  • An 试镜或视频试镜 申请此奖学金需要提交申请. 
  • Students must meet the repertoire requirements specific to his/her primary instrument or voice type.
  • This scholarship is only available to classical and jazz musicians for ensembles within Loyola's School of Music. 有关集成的更多信息,请单击 在这里
  • 提交合奏奖申请, 在这里! 

有关申请奖学金的更多信息,请与您的学生联系 招生顾问


MG游戏官方网站 participates in both the FACHEX (for Jesuit institutions) and 学费 Exchange programs for benefit-eligible employees of qualifying institutions.  更多信息可以在这里找到. 


MG游戏官方网站是 全国校际体育协会 (NAIA) and the Southern States Athletic Conference (SSAC) competing at the Division I level. 合格的运动员可获得奖学金. 申请人需填写所需的 体育招募问卷 为了被考虑. 

洛约拉是 盲测机构这意味着我们在录取过程中不考虑ACT或SAT考试成绩. 然而, 全国校际体育协会, 洛约拉体育学院由谁管理, 允许考试成绩作为一个选项来确认你的NAIA资格. 请浏览 NAIA资格中心 了解更多信息.


TOPS is a 状态 funded scholarship program for Louisiana Residents that graduate from Louisiana High Schools. Each year the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance updates TOPS requirements and collects information from students, 高中和大学来决定是否有资格获得该奖项. 列出了当前的奖励要求 在这里. If you want to discuss your TOPS eligibility we advise you to set up an appointment with your high school counselor. 

TOPS money can be used by Louisiana students to assistant in tuition payments at private colleges in Louisiana. 虽然洛约拉是 盲测机构在美国,top仍然是根据GPA和考试成绩决定的. We think it is important to be able to include the TOPS award in your 金融援助 Award, 但如果不提交考试成绩,就不能这样做. 完成你的洛约拉申请后, 你会看到一个地方,在你的洛约拉门户网站上传你的考试成绩的副本. 请确保您的考试成绩图像包含所有分项成绩, 综合得分, 您的全名, 出生日期. 

If you are unsure if you will qualify for TOPS please seek an appointment with your high school counselor to review your transcript and test scores. 

**LOSFA will also require submission of the FAFSA as part of the requirement to receive TOPS.**


学生必须证明有经济需要,才有资格获得基于需求的奖学金. 待考虑, complete the year appropriate Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and you will be considered for all need-based federal, 状态, 以及机构援助项目. 洛约拉大学新奥尔良FAFSA代码是002016. 我们鼓励您在10月1日之后尽快完成FAFSA. 一些形式的援助已经用完了, 所以你越早申请, 你就越有可能得到最高的奖励. 这项补助金也可能有变动. 



优秀奖学金从15美元起,000 to $21,对于具有具有竞争力的大学累积gpa的合格转学申请人,可提供6000美元. Applicants with less than 12 credit hours will be asked to submit their high school transcript. 洛约拉是 盲测机构.

Please note: second-degree seeking applicants are not eligible for merit-based scholarships.

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金

Phi Theta Kappa members from two-year community colleges are automatically awarded $3,000元/年. 

Please note: second-degree seeking applicants are not eligible for PTK scholarships.


Many “outside” need- and merit-based grants and scholarships are available from private sources—particularly for students who are willing to do a bit of research on their own. 外部奖学金和助学金通常有独特的资格标准, 应用程序, 和最后期限, 因此,尽早开始寻找奖学金是个好主意!

T在这里 are many excellent resources for finding college scholarships—we’ve listed a few below to help you get started:


许多私人组织向路易斯安那州的居民颁发奖学金. 每个奖学金都有自己的资格要求和申请流程. 私人援助项目提供基于需求的奖学金, 留学奖学金, merit scholarships and awards that support students with a particular study interest or talent. 


奖学金 are applicable to Loyola's academic year Exchange Programs but cannot be used at any "outside" study abroad programs. 一些项目不提供校内住宿. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 国际教育中心.